magazine downloads

hi there my friends and followers, i hope youve been enjoying the site over the last few weeks, ive not been writing much and i hope to change that by talking to you all a little more and becoming good friends i hope, anyway im just letting you all know here that ill be posting later on on this site as well as my other two sites and
so please visit there too :-)

also theres some site news too :

as of today all magazine posts like young jump and weekly playboy will all be posted over at our mature readers only site where we post some nude idols and such, hope you visit, more news later thankyou :-)

this leaves HPXtreme free to be a little more dedecated to j pop and k pop as well as we were mixing the idols in to this site a little too much, so lots of photobooks music and videos to come on here as well as the collectors image, hope you like the new look retouched images, please let me know what you think of our work, they take longer to make the collectors images now but they look unique i think and make them look more special

anyway lots to come later today on all our sites so visit later :-)