Flogger Boys dance electro


I know it is old (2008) but was inspired by Josh's post this week (23 February):


Flogger is a teenager fashion originated in Argentina at the end of 2004, which is closely related to Fotolog, a photoblog web site. Emerged from the glam fashion, and merged with elements of several other styles, it has become very popular among young people, to almost become a craze. The style is principally composed of tight trousers on males and females alike, broad V-neck T-shirts, fluorescent colors, canvas sneakers or skate shoes, blonde or black hair, long fringe brushed to one side of the face or over one eye, straight hair and horn-rimmed glasses. It is common to call "floggers" to any adolescent followers of this style.
This fashion has also developed a particular way of dancing electro house and techno music, called Electro - although this term already had the same meaning it has in English in reference to the electronic music in general. The moves, related to the French tecktonik, Belgian jumpstyle and the Australian shuffle, consist of rapidly spreading one leg, hitting the floor with the heel, and drawing the other leg backwards, and then quickly changing the position of the legs (spreading the other leg, and shifting backwards the one that was spread).

Tecktonik - Now you're gone - Lovler.net 


Flogger electro dance tutorial 


Floggers recopilación de bailes 







collectors image No.164 mai series one 25 / 25

design by etchi
lettering by blambot

collectors image No.163 mai series one 24 / 25

design by etchi
 aditional lettering by blambot

collectors image No.162 mai series one No.23 / 25

design by etchi
letters by blambot

well just a couple of images left in mai hagiwara's first series but there going to be good ones, we have had some requests for future girls to appear in collectors image and theres going to be a few single images before we have another long series so please feel free to request a girl, idol or j pop and k pop are allowed :-)

berryz new promo video heroine ni narou ka

magazine downloads

hi there my friends and followers, i hope youve been enjoying the site over the last few weeks, ive not been writing much and i hope to change that by talking to you all a little more and becoming good friends i hope, anyway im just letting you all know here that ill be posting later on on this site as well as my other two sites http://www.japanesextreme.blogspot.com/ and http://www.cultxtreme.blogspot.com/
so please visit there too :-)

also theres some site news too :

as of today all magazine posts like young jump and weekly playboy will all be posted over at our mature readers only site http://www.japanesextreme.blogspot.com/ where we post some nude idols and such, hope you visit, more news later thankyou :-)

this leaves HPXtreme free to be a little more dedecated to j pop and k pop as well as we were mixing the idols in to this site a little too much, so lots of photobooks music and videos to come on here as well as the collectors image, hope you like the new look retouched images, please let me know what you think of our work, they take longer to make the collectors images now but they look unique i think and make them look more special

anyway lots to come later today on all our sites so visit later :-)

WPB-net No.130 AKB48

[WPB-net] No.130 AKB48 桜が舞って恋が咲く [36P+1Mov45.1MB]

Young Gangan 2011 No.03

[ヤングガンガン] 2011 No.03 フレンチ・キス 内田理央 [22p]

Weekly Playboy Magazine 2011 No.09

[プレイボーイ] 2011 No.09 AKB48 吉木りさ 滝川綾 嘉門洋子 [45p]
((Warning: Contains Nudity))

Young Champion 2011 No.04

[ヤングチャンピオン] 2011 No.04 Cica 小森美果 [16p]

Young Magazine 2011 No.10

[ヤングマガジン] 2011 No.10 ほしのあき 小森美果 吉木りさ [18p]

Young Magazine 2011 No.09

[ヤングマガジン] 2011 No.09 佐山彩香 指原莉乃 清水富美加 [18p]

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